Nobody taught me how to repair my bike, I just learnt from a good book and experience. The book was one of the early versions of Richard's (Ballantine) Bicycle Book.
If your bike is much more than 10 years old, then it starts to become pot luck on spares being readily available. Your local independent bike shop will hopefully give you honest advice.
Gears can be particularly troublesome - modern rear sprocket sets slide on to splines; old ones screwed on.
It's depressing, but it's one reason why a lot of people at the budget end of the market have taken to buying a sub-£100 bike from Tescos and throwing it away when it breaks.
If your bike is much more than 10 years old, then it starts to become pot luck on spares being readily available. Your local independent bike shop will hopefully give you honest advice.
Gears can be particularly troublesome - modern rear sprocket sets slide on to splines; old ones screwed on.
It's depressing, but it's one reason why a lot of people at the budget end of the market have taken to buying a sub-£100 bike from Tescos and throwing it away when it breaks.